This week has been a big week for us at James 127 Foundation and Judith&James. After looking long and hard, we finally found a place to move in. By the powerful working of God, the process has gone by very quickly. After housing our workshop in Balozi, a very nice development, our time to move out had come. We are now in large house in the Kasarani/Mwiki area, a location much closer for all of our women. It is a large house, big enough to house the workshops for Imani (the jewelry business hiring church choir members), Judith and James (clothing company), and in April we will start both the jewelry training and sewing training in this house.
Pictured below is the outside of the house we are now occupying.
Upon moving all of things inside the house, we prayed for the move and great work James 127 Foundation is doing with Judith's pastor, Pastor Oscar, who helped us move equipment and provided the moving truck.
Each of the women are so excited to be in this new workshop. I asked Domaris, one of Judith&James' widow seamstresses why she enjoys the new place. She said it is because of the location and the large size of the house.
Pictured below is the room for Judith&James workshop, the day after our initial move in.