Thursday, June 5, 2014

Judith & James' birthday

This past weekend we celebrated Judith and James' second birthday here in Kenya. It was a party to remember forever. Judith, Kesia, and Domaris have worked so hard these past two years we wanted to appreciate them. Some of them have never been to a party before so it was quite an experience!
I loved getting to celebrate with the ladies outside of the workplace with their families. What wonderful children they all have!

We started off by singing praises to the Lord, the one we thank for leading us to where we are today.
And we all had homemade chocolate cake (three cakes we made the night before) and chips (french fries) and soda. For them all of these things were so special to eat. Throughout the day, many smiles and laughter were seen as everyone was energized on all that sugar!

It was neat to remember how far Judith&James has come and exciting to think where we will be in the coming years to come. We have many things to be thankful for. This was a very special day, one that we will all remember for a long time.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Covenant Group

I had the absolute pleasure of having weekly covenant group meetings with these awesome 6th grade girls this year, alongside Kara Noble my amazing 11th grade leader. It has been a wonderful year getting to hang out with these girls one morning a week. What a pleasure to be part of each of these girl's lives.

It was the perfect start to every Friday morning. Breakfast and covenant group. As the school year comes to a close for them, they are all traveling to America for summer. I will miss them in the coming months but pray blessings upon them until they come back.