Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fabric Donations

On Monday, I blessed the J127 sewing trainees with lots of fabric, donated to us by some of our generous friends in Arkansas. It was a humbling experience. I distributed pieces of fabric to each of the trainees. None of it was given by me, but I was fortunate to be the messenger, giving it all to them. They thanked ME over and over. 

The sewing training had just completely run out of fabric and teacher Jesca told the students they need to provide their own fabric, when they can’t afford it. Luckily it came with God’s timing. They were so very grateful. It was such a blessing to them. A blessing to receive such a gift and a blessing to give to them who need it.

Following this, each of the sewing trainees were interviewed over receiving fabric. They were ever so grateful for the fabric donations and to our sponsors for the great work they do. Pictured on the bottom are little snapshots of each of the happy ladies. I enjoyed putting a smile on their faces! 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

International Widow's Day

Last week, 23 June was International Widow’s day. In honor of that special day, we decided to have a market day. A celebration day for every lady in our Kasarani workshop. The day before, I and three other ladies went to purchase all the huge quantity of fruits and vegetables we were to give the J127, J&J and Jimani women. I am pictured on the right, at the produce market where we bought all of the foods. After, we set up the workshop and displayed the produce to prepare for the next day.

On the actual day, we started off the day with our usual devotions in the morning. Everyone could see there was a special day to be had. During worship, you could tell the ladies danced with all they had in praise. Kesia, a powerful yet humble sister in Christ, shared another wonderful Biblical testimony, preaching about the story of Anna in the Bible. A gifted speaker.

Some of the Go Near team joined us after that. They introduced themselves. Jennifer Mooney on the Go Near team, herself a widow and J127 sponsor, shared deeply from her heart and sang a song for us all. After that, each woman was given a bag to fill up with many fruits and vegetables. We also gave each of them a copy of the Jesus Calling book.

The part of the day that gripped my heart the most was hearing the heart wrenching stories of each of these strong impoverished women, orphans, and widows of Kenya. As we drank chai and ate mandazis together, I couldn’t help but feel moved as each person shared their deepest struggles and how they are overcoming them. It was encouraging to hear they have such thankful attitudes, giving God the glory despite any circumstance.

International Widow’s day is a day I will not easily forget. A blessing it was to these widows and women and an even greater blessing to me to be part of the Lord’s great work.

four of the ladies who shared their story with us 

four of the happy jewelry and sewing trainees after receiving 
their Jesus Calling books and produce 

Anna Taylor and I with the three J&J widows from that day. 
They were all so happy to receive gifts of produce and a special 
word of encouragement from our Go Near friends.