Friday, June 12, 2015

Jewelry Graduates

Since the J127 jewelry graduation last month, all five graduates have received jobs. Two have been employed by Jimani Collections, a jewelry company here in Nairobi, Kenya that "aims to empower women through education, innovation, and design." The graduates have been working with Jimani for about a month now. It has been neat for me to see them learn and work with Jimani. Here I am pictured with three of the Jimani employees. Lydiah (on my left) and Ester (on the far right) are the two J127 graduates with Jimani Collections.
Three of the J127 graduates have started their own small co-op jewelry business in the backyard of Grace's house. Veronica, Penina, and Grace pictured on the left are sitting in front of their new business. This group has started working on their first large order of earrings that will be sold in the US.

I am proud of where each of these women are now and can't wait to see what else is in store. Love that they are all using the skills they learned in the training program. I look forward to continue following up with each of them in the near future.