Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Matatus and Motorbikes

As I live a little more locally and independently here in Nairobi, I am relying more and more on public transportation. My two main forms of transport have become matatus and boda bodas. Not exactly the safest or always reliable way of transport but evidently what I have come to rely on.

Matatus are the most common Kenyan form of transportation. They are privately owned minibuses used as share taxis. There are typically 14 seats in each matatu but most squeeze in 20 or so passengers. There isn't really a set price on the fare; it just depends how far you are going and if you happen to get a good rate. It is never more than $1 and usually less than that. I try not to get a mzungu (foreigner) high price. I usually use matatus when I need to go downtown for Judith&James supplies.

Boda bodas, also called piki pikis, are motorcycle taxis. They are more expensive than matatus but definitely faster! In my experience, I barter down the price to something more reasonable and keep consistently using the boda boda driver for a good fare. These past two weeks, I have accumulated a handful of boda bodas I will use now. I've using boda bodas to travel from my house to work. Below I am pictured with Justice, one of my favorite, trusted boda boda drivers.

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