As we bring in the new year, I will be starting a new chapter in my life. With a heart to compassionately serve the people of Kenya, I am making the move to Nairobi, Kenya to work with nonprofit organizations, Go Near Ministry and James 127 Foundation.
Go Near Ministry aims to “empower the poor through skill training, education and community development projects.” In addition to Go Near, I will be working alongside Anna Taylor to continue her work with her nonprofit, James 127 Foundation. This organization focuses on vocational training of widows and production of clothing for Judith & James clothing line. James 127 Foundation is a nonprofit organization, launched out of Go Near Ministry’s Sewing Training Empowerment Program. They bring hope and love to these widows by providing sewing training and care for these women in Kenya. These widows in the Gituamba slums receive sewing training for two years, participate in monthly feeding assistance and graduate with National Kenya Tailoring certification, later to be supplied jobs within James 127 Foundation.
James 127 Foundation is guided by the Scripture found in James 1:27, “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God to visit widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
I will regularly meet with the widows involved in the sewing program, women who have graduated from the sewing training to be the onsite communications person and manage the production of sewing projects for Judith and James clothes line. I am really excited to help make a difference the lives of these women as they learn to sew!
Go Near Ministry aims to “empower the poor through skill training, education and community development projects.” In addition to Go Near, I will be working alongside Anna Taylor to continue her work with her nonprofit, James 127 Foundation. This organization focuses on vocational training of widows and production of clothing for Judith & James clothing line. James 127 Foundation is a nonprofit organization, launched out of Go Near Ministry’s Sewing Training Empowerment Program. They bring hope and love to these widows by providing sewing training and care for these women in Kenya. These widows in the Gituamba slums receive sewing training for two years, participate in monthly feeding assistance and graduate with National Kenya Tailoring certification, later to be supplied jobs within James 127 Foundation.
James 127 Foundation is guided by the Scripture found in James 1:27, “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God to visit widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
I will regularly meet with the widows involved in the sewing program, women who have graduated from the sewing training to be the onsite communications person and manage the production of sewing projects for Judith and James clothes line. I am really excited to help make a difference the lives of these women as they learn to sew!
As I make the move to Kenya, I need to raise funds to support me while I am there. I highly encourage you to help me financially so I can help others in need. Please consider making a donation for my mission. Each gift is important to me, whether $1, $5, or $500. Monthly donations or even one time donations. In addition, and more importantly, I would love for you to partner in prayer. Pray that God would use me within Kenya to impact this world for His Kingdom.
For more information go to:
I am so excited to see how God uses and changes you through these opportunities!